beer can lidding

Beer & Soda Can Lid Installation

We provide a full range of lidding services including lid installation, drinking cup conversion, and stretching cans.  We only do repair on indoor cans. We can repair:

    • 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, & 16 oz beer and soda cans
    • 12 oz cone tops and bottoms
    • crowntainers
    • quarts
    • We do NOT work on glued seams, 15 oz or gallon cans

We pay special attention to detail ensuring that top quality work is completed on each can. Repairs are done in a way that the work is almost undetectable.  This is done by either reusing the original lid or using a donor lid from a similar vintage can.

* Please do not request that we replace a lid with a different style than what the can originally came with.  For example, we will not replace a pull tab lid with a flat top or a standard pull tab with a zip tab.  We take integrity seriously and want to ensure that the work that we do is as close to original as possible.


Donor lids: It is the customer’s responsibility to provide the donor can to ensure you will be happy with how the lid matches the overall condition of the can.  The used donor can will not be returned.  We have a supply of donor lids available.  Prices vary depending on the style of the lid.

New Lids: We prefer not to install brand new lids as the results typically match better using a donor can.  It is the customer’s responsibility to provide new lids. On occasion we have a limited supply of new lids.  As this method requires less time the work can be done for a lower price.  

Stretching Cans:

When stretching a can we remove both the top and bottom lids.  There is a flange under the lid that can be used to increase the can height.  This make it possible for us to remove gear marks while still preserving the correct can height.  The outcome of stretching can be unpredictable as it relies on the condition of the metal and the paint under the rim.


Below are the estimated prices to lid cans.  Call us at 858-900-3308 or e-mail us pictures of your cans to discuss the repair costs.  Please note that the prices below are for labor only; the cost of lids is extra.

8, 10, 11, 12, 14, & 16 oz beer and soda cans:

    • Add new old stock lid to a can – $15.00
    • Add new old stock lid to can with a rolled lip or existing rim – $25.00
    • Add either donor top or bottom – $35.00.
    • Add donor lid to can with rolled lip – $45.00
    • Convert drinking cup, with handle, into a can – $60.00
    • Stretch can to hide gear marks – $80.00


    • Add bottom – $60.00


    • Add spout or bottom – $60.00

Shipping & Insurance:

The customer is responsible for shipping and insurance costs. If insurance is not requested then it is the customer’s responsibility for any cans that are damaged or lost during the shipping process. 

Terms & Conditions:

Repair work will only be completed if the customer agrees to the disclaimer and if they sell the can that they will disclose the work that has been done.


No guarantees are made regarding the quality of the work as the condition of metal and paint on older cans varies sometimes resulting in unpredictable results.  Working on cans may result in the following damage:

  • The flange may crack when making it impossible to stretch the can.
  • When we stretch a can, the condition of the flange is unknown and occasionally the paint under the rim is discolored or damaged.  This will impact how the newly exposed paint matches with the rest of the can.
  • Paint may crack,chip, or peel during the process of taking off the lid, removing dents, removing drinking cup handles, rolling up the lips on drinking cups, or when stretching a can.
  • Lids may crack or become damaged during the removal process making them unuseable.  If this occurs, the customer is responsible for finding a suitable donor lid.
  • It is possible the flat sheet may develop scratches during the rolling process.  Steps are taken to minimize this, but the risk can not be completely eliminated.
  • When rolling a can, the metal can crack when forming the seam.  This is out of our control and when it happens the can can’t be rolled.
  • Due to circumstances beyond our control paint may crack, chip, or peel during the repair process.
  • Given the unpredictable nature of old metal, it is possible that the soldered seam may develop tarnish or corrosion.  If this occurs you can clean this area with a very fine steel wool.  

Given the risks, we take steps to minimize any damage and will let you know if we foresee a significant chance of damage prior to starting the work.  Due to the unpredictable nature of older cans we are not responsible for any damage that results during the can repair process.