Hollywood came calling

Hollywood came calling

Recently we were contacted for assistance in providing old beer cans for props in an upcoming movie.  Originally they wanted us to roll cans from sheets, but they needed over 100 cans in a week.  

During our discussions they mentioned they had previously obtained some Primo beer cans.  Unfortunately they had punctured bottoms and the cans needed to be air sealed.  We replaced the bottoms and provided some additional cans.  It was important for them to get a lot of unopened beer cans since the movie revolves around drinking beer.  It doesn’t matter that the cans have different labels since they will place a label over the cans for the movie.  

This was an unusual, but fun project.  We look forward to seeing these beer cans for props on the big screen.  Of course we’ve been sworn to secrecy on the name of the movie until it’s released, but there are some big name actors involved.

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